Soul searching.
The morning sun, Vannila& chocolate ice creams, Movies that makes you smile at cheesy lines, Fine Art Classes, Musuems and big shopping malls, French Words, Roses, Tokyo, Books that keeps you late at night, Spring, Kisses on the beach at 6 pm. August.
The person I think I am.
Moon and stars, Strawberry ice cream, movies that helps cure depression, History Class at 12pm, Coffee shops and Bookstores, Fancy Literature Words, Tulips, Paris, Books that you read over and over and pass over to your kids, Summer, Kisses under the mistletoe tree on Christmas Eve. December.
The person I am
Dark stormy nights, Dark chocolate and Creamless coffee, Movies that causes depression, Maths class at 8am on a Monday morning, Drug stores, Difficult to pronounce dictionary words, Purple Hibiscus, London Bridge, Sad books you couldn't bring yourself to read the ending, Autumn, Kisses under the rain. April
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