I wasn't born to be fit into a box
I wasn't born to be fit into a box, what you expect from me and how you expect me to be. I was born to be a rectangle, a sphere, circle sometimes and all the odd shapes we had to learn in maths geometry class. My purpose and being isn't meant to be understand and appreciated by you. I was born with wings and wings are used for flying. But in all of my exploration and self discovery, I'll never forget and ignore the values and principles the holy spirit has instilled in me . He is the greatest teacher. But I'm struggling and never get it right sometimes, because I've lived all of my lives doing things your way (which exactly isn't the right way), the church (which is mostly based on man made theology), or my way (which has failed me a thousand times).
And now as I discover my identity in Christ, this is a personal journey and I choose this path. I don't want a seat at the table, I'm setting a new table for myself and others who care to join.
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